Friday, March 23, 2007

Cheap Exercise Equipment

One of the best ways to get a hold of some usable home gymequipment is to check out yard sales. Of course many peoplewould overlook this option but if you look you are able to findsome great equipment at a great price.It is all too common for someone to get new exercise equipmentfor Christmas or as a New Year's resolution only to use it onceor twice and let it collect dust in the corner until they gettired of looking at it and sell it. You may also run intosomeone who is upgrading their equipment.You can usually see big exercise equipment from the streetbefore you even get out of your car making it very easy to spotout in a yard sale. When you see something that looks promisingdon't be afraid to ask any questions. In fact the morequestions you ask the better idea you will have of the type ofshape the equipment is in.You want to ask the seller when they bought it and how oftenthey used it. Also ask them if they cleaned it or had toperform any maintenance on it. If they didn't use it very oftenask they how long it has been sitting there in their home idle,and where it has been stores. These are all important questionsthat will tell you how the quality of the equipment is and if itis even worth the super discount price.After you have asked questions, or even prior to talking to theowners you need to look the equipment over closely and make sureit is functional as well. You want to look closely and make surethere aren't any missing pieces that go to the equipment such asmissing screws or safety pieces.See how well oiled the equipment is and be sure to ask if theystill have the original manual that came with it. This manualwill give you a great idea as to what the machine looked likewhen the sellers' first purchased it.The manual is useful in many ways as it will tell you how touse the machine as well as the basic care and maintenance thatis required. If you find missing or damages pieces then don'tbe afraid to ask for a discount. People are usually trying toget rid of the equipment and are more than willing to give itto you at a steal.When you are checking out local yard sales looking for exerciseequipment then one thing to keep in mind is the prices you willaccept. Try to familiarize your self with some equipment oreven use your cell phone and call someone to check online forthe price of the exact machine you found brand new. Knowing howmuch the original price was will help you determine how much youshould be willing to fork over for a used piece of equipment.About The Author: Article provided by Sven Ullmann, who runs - a site dedicated to differenthealth related topics. Interested

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tip